Door Stripping Birmingham

Post date: Jun 03, 2011 3:33:45 PM

We have been made aware of a number of companies advertising door stripping and paint stripping in the Birmingham area that are taking the doors to an undisclosed facility miles away from the Midlands.

We have discovered that the firm (Based in Devon) shown below has even stolen images from our web site.

You will note that they claim to be but the narrative using images stolen from our website shows they are based in Devon.

We are currently pursuing these people for damages but would warn you to check where your doors are being taken before using these internet based services, none of which have facilities in the Birmingham area.

Look at the photo of our van below and you can see where they have stolen the image from our site.

Stolen image below from the Devon strippers who claim to be in Birmingham.... Can you see..... Take care... At least they show quality work on their site... Ours !

Please ensure that you know where your doors are being taken to and who is stripping them. Who knows they could steal your doors like they stole our images...

Strip It have been established in Birmingham for over 30 years and we welcome visitors to our Aladdin's cave of furniture and reclaimed doors.

See the stripper in action.

We are located in the Jewellery Quarter in Pope Street, Birmingham B1 3AG